Christmas Special Jazz Live Dinner Show
クリスマススペシャル・ジャズライブディナーショー at Revo Brewing. 23rd, December 2022
2022年12月23日、横浜馬車道のレストラン&バーRevo Brewing にて、はじめとおうじ ピアノ&ドラムデュオと、弾き語りの吟遊詩人スーマーによる、クリスマススペシャル・ジャズライブディナーショーが開催されました。この一夜限りの特別な夜に、わたくしYukina Tokumotoも、ライブペイントで共演させて頂きました。
Christmas Jazz live dinner show and my Live paint performance 23rd December 2022
On the 23rd December 2022, a Christmas special jazz live dinner show by Hajime and Ouji, piano and drums duo, and Suemarr, the minstrel, was held at Revo Brewing in Yokohama. And, I am so happy to announce that Yukina Tokumoto was co-star in this special one-night show as a live painting artist.
n front of the happy smiles of many customers, I felt wrapped in the melody and rhythm played by my favorite musicians, and I thought that it's alright, I would be able to go forward forever with a smile. In that way, after drawing each song one by one, 16 pieces of wonderful music remained in my drawings.
It was my great pleasure to see you all on this wonderful night, December 23th 2022, along with Hajime-san, Ouji-san and Suemarr-san.
Thank you for coming to see the Special Jazz live dinner show and my live paint performance on this special night!
And, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Thank you so much for playing music as a special guest and taking wonderful photos! Tact Yamada.