Fairport Cropredy Convention

June, 2023 Order production from the UK



彼、Jからのオーダーは、「親友の結婚を祝う贈り物として、少年の頃に毎年一緒に楽しんだ、真夏の音楽祭Fair port Cropredy Convention の幸せな想い出の瞬間を絵にして贈りたい」というものでした。

Fairport Cropedy Convention とは、1976年から毎年8月にオックスフォードシャーのクロプレディ村で開催されているフォークとロックの音楽祭です。彼の親友を想う真摯な友情に突き動かされて、私は、このイギリスの村で長く伝わってきた愛すべき音楽祭の資料を探し回り、ひたすらラフを描き続けました。次第に私の心はイギリスに渡り、黄昏時のピンク色の空や、はためく旗、響き渡る音楽と人々の歓声、バンダナを巻いた犬たち、夏の夜の匂いまでも、目の前でスケッチをするように描けるようになりました。



In the bigining of summer in 2023, my first job after giving birth was a request from the UK. 

Our relationship began in January 2020. When I was doing MA in London, I stayed in in the Cotswolds, and his mother liked a picture I drew during this travel. Even after returning to Japan, our relationship expanded through my works, leading to this order production across the sea. 

The order from him “J ” was, "I want to give a picture of the happy memories of the midsummer music festival Fairport Cropredy Convention, which we enjoyed together every year as boys, as a gift to celebrate my best friend's marriage." 

Fairport Cropredy Convention is an annual festival of folk and rock music, held on the edge of the village of Cropredy in Oxfordshire, which has has taken place in August since 1976. Driven by sincere friendship for his best friend, I searched for reference materials about this beloved music festival, and I kept drawing rough sketches again and again. Gradually, my heart traveled to the UK, and I was able to sketch the beautiful colour of the sky at dusk, fluttering flags, the music reverberating and the cheers of the people, the dogs with bandanas, and even the smell of the mid-summer night. 

The completed painting is now in the possession of his dear best friend. This year, he and his best friend's wife will be attending the music festival together. I do hope they will have a new and wonderful night just like boy's happy memories in the picture. 

Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude to dear J for commissioning me to do this wonderful order and for writing to me from the UK from time to time.