Monthly magazine by SUEMARR, the minstrel
KANBIKI ~monthly magazine~
月刊誌「寒弾」by @blindsue
そんなスーマーさんが、自らの随筆と俳句と共に発行してきた作品の一つが、今年8年目となる月刊誌「寒弾」です。この度、2022年度の「寒弾」の表紙絵とコラムを、私Yukina Tokumotoが一年間担当させて頂くこととなりました。
私の役割は、毎月の随筆を読んで想像の翼を羽ばたかせ、スーマーさんが出会う街と人々、その光と影の物語を絵で語ることです。その言葉と絵は、製本作家の村上亜沙美さん(@murakami_bindery )の手で、あたたかな手触りの月刊誌となり、講読者の皆様の元へ旅に出るのです。
スーマーさんの音楽を愛する世界の皆様、はじめまして。 一年間どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Do you know "SUEMARR"?
SUEMARR is a singer-songwriter, a minstrel who travels with an old guitar and banjo.
He is the ONE and ONLY. @blindsue
The songs he produced are loved by people all over the world as a music in the drama and movie:"Midnight Diner" through NETFLIX.
One of the works that SUEMARR has published along with his essays and haiku for 8 years is his monthly magazine called "KANBIKI". I'm so happy to announce that I am in charge of the cover picture and short column of "KANBIKI" this year.
My important role is telling the stories of SUEMARR with my imagination and drawings based on his monthly essays, which will be about the cities, the people, and the light and shadow through his eyes. Then, the words and pictures are designed and edited by Asami Murakami, a book-binding artist, and it will travel to the readers as a warm-touched magazine.
Nice to meet you, everyone in the world who loves SUEMARR's music. I look forward to seeing you through this magazine.
You can apply for a subscription here ↓
・March, 2022 to February, 2023
・A monthly magazine and unreleased sound source will be presented every month, and a CD containing 12 songs from 12 months will be presented in a final month. I hope you enjoy it!