the 2nd solo Exhibition
“One day! ”
4th to 19th December, 2021
Yukina Tokumoto 個展 “One day!” ~The 2nd solo exhibition〜
2回目の個展が、アメリカ山ガーデンアカデミー様のご協力のもと、私の心のHome townである横浜元町にて開催されました。12月4日から19日まで、アメリカ山公園駅舎三階のギャラリースペースにて、「One day ×365日の12ヶ月」をテーマに選んだ12枚の作品と、11月26日のワークショップでアメリカ山ガーデンアカデミーの子どもたちとコラボレーションした作品たちを一緒に展示致しました。 寒空の中、お立ち寄り下さった皆様、本当に有難うございました。
My second solo exhibition "One day!" was held at the Friends Art Gallery in America-yama Garden Academy in Yokohama from December 4th to 19th. My 12 artworks selected under the theme of "One day x 365 days" and "12 months" were exhibited in the gallery space in the America-yama Park station building. The artworks created with children in the America-yama Garden Academy in the workshop on November 26th were also displayed along side them. Although it was a compact exhibition, I hope you enjoyed the cozy atmosphere and handmade taste. Thank you very much for coming to Motomachi to see my solo exhibition.
・Period: 2021/12/4 to 12/19
・Location: American-yama Garden Academy, Friends Art Gallery
・Access: Take Exit 6 of Motomachi-Chinatown Station and take the lift on your right to the 3rd floor.
・Hours: 6:00 to 23:00
・Admission free
Collaboration with Children in America-yama Garden Academy
26th November, 2021 at America-Yama Garden Academy
ポストカードに描かれた私のイラストレーションを元に、「何にびっくりしているのかな?」「何で笑っているんだろう?」「何で踊っているんだろう?」と一緒に想像して、自由に絵や文字を書いたり、切ったり貼ったりして、それぞれの物語を楽しく形にしました。出来上がった皆の作品たちは、12月4日から19日まで開催の個展「One day!」の作品と一緒にフレンズアートギャラリーにて展示され、多くのお客様が作品を観に足を運んで下さいました。
I’m so happy to announce that I held a collaboration project, “Let’s enjoy making art work! ”, with 50 children in the America-Yama Garden Academy on November 26th.
Based on my illustration printed on the postcards, children imagined that “What makes this girl surprise?”, “Why is this boy laughing?” or “Why are they dancing?”. and we created each stories freely while drawing, writing, cutting and pasting papers or stickers, which was really fun! Everyone’s artworks were exhibited at the Friends Art Gallery from December 4th to 19th along with the works of my solo exhibition. Thank you very much for all the people coming to see our artworks. And, I am so grateful for all the support from the staff and children in America-Yama Garden Academy. With my feeling of gratitude.
December 20th, 2021 Yukina Tokumoto