International competition of “wine satire” illustration
国際風刺画イラストレーションコンペ入賞、ファイナリストに選出 November, 2020
Spirito di Vino
I am happy to inform you that I was shortlisted as finalists for the international competition of “wine satire” illustration, Spirito di Vino 2020 in Italy. The award ceremony was held in online this year, and I really enjoyed looking at everyone’s wonderful artworks and communicating with nice people in the world.
The idea of my illustration was “Here’s looking at you, kid”, which is the famous words in an old film “Casablanca”. If that dating was online, they can’t LOOK eacg other’s bottoms…perhaps he/she mey be wearing fancy pants or fluffy cute slippers…just like as!
Although countless painful things happened in 2020, I believe that we can overcome them with our smile. Laughter is necessity in this world, and sometimes we need someone to laugh together.
私の絵のアイディアは、映画カサブランカの「君の瞳に乾杯 (Here's looking at you, kid.)」から生まれました。もしあのデートがZOOMだったら、彼らは2020年の私たちのように、お互いの下半分・・・変な柄のパンツやモコモコのスリッパをLooking出来ません。